
A Chat With Tatiana Moroz 6/6/14

Tatiana Moroz


I met Tatiana Moroz, the singer behind “Tatiana Coin” which is the first ever artist based cryptocurrency, at the Texas Bitcoin Conference earlier this year. Since then have repeatedly ran into her in different cities. She moves a lot. I’ve had the privilege of seeing her perform live on several occasions, and it is always a refreshing experience. Her politically charged lyrics always leave you something to think about while getting you moving with a catchy tune. I wanted more people to be exposed to this force in the bitcoin community, so I asked her to answer a few questions so you can get to know her a bit.

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Tatiana Moroz and I am a singer-songwriter and entrepreneur based in NJ, right outside NYC. I have been singing for as long as I can remember. After attending Berklee College of Music for music business, I managed several top recording studios in NYC while pursuing my performance career. I have always had a great interest in improving the organization of mankind, and was very inspired by the songwriters from the 60’s and 70’s that brought about the civil rights as well as the anti-war movement. I became politically active first in the 2008 elections by supporting Dennis Kucinich, but I learned about the Federal Reserve in 2011 which made me a Ron Paul girl. I was very inspired by his message of freedom and my music reflected that. I have been fortunate enough to be welcomed into the liberty community and have performed all over the country, even for Dr. Paul himself!

I bought my first Bitcoin from Tony Gallippi in August 2012. However, it wasn’t until ….continue reading


Tatiana Moroz